The decline of our Bay’s oyster population and its habitat, and its impact on the health, safety and economy of coastal communities is well documented by scientific studies.  The knowledge as well as the technology is there to fix our bay and we urgently need to implement it.

State and local governments  have been doing their best with limited resources over the past 50 years to put in regulations to help stem the tide of deterioration.  But individuals must also do their part by staying informed and gaining the know-how to participate fully in this monumental endeavor.

VESF is committed to disseminating the latest scientific information on methods to restore our coastal oyster populations and stem wave induced erosion using 3-D biogenic reefs. Our education and outreach efforts put this knowledge into the hands of the individual citizen. And our demonstration projects at several locations in the Southern Bay showcase these latest creative solutions at several sites around the Bay.

Won’t you please help us to continue these outreach and demonstration  efforts and DONATE NOW to our work. Please choose a category that you wish your donation to support: unrestricted; education; waterfront restoration efforts; other

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